Jekyll is a ruby tool. You can build a static website on github like this One with it.
The back-end engine of the feature Github Pages is jekyll. If your github project contains the right jekyll configuration, it can be recognized by Github. Thus you can build a blog website on Github for free.
ruby has a install management tool named gem, in ubuntu you can install gem by executing
sudo apt-get install rubygems
After that, install jekyll by gem
sudo gem install Jekyll
During the installation, i have encountered a few problems.
Problem 1
hailin@hailin-VirtualBox:~/win7/MyProjects $sudo gem install jekyll
extconf.rb:1:in `require': no such file toload -- mkmf (LoadError)
In order to fix this problem, you have to install the follow dependency.
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libopenssl-ruby ruby1.8-dev
The answer is found on
Problem 2
hailin@hailin-VirtualBox:~/win7/MyProjects $sudo gem install jekyll
Successfully installed jekyll-1.0.3
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation forjekyll-1.0.3...
ERROR: While generating documentation for jekyll-1.0.3
... MESSAGE: Unhandled special: Special: type=17,text="<!-- more -->"
... RDOC args: --ri --op/var/lib/gems/1.8/doc/jekyll-1.0.3/ri --charset=UTF-8 --quiet libREADME.textile LICENSE --title jekyll-1.0.3 Documentation
(continuing with the rest of theinstallation)
Installing RDoc documentation forjekyll-1.0.3...
It seems jekyll installed successfully, but ri documentation failed.
In, it said you can skip installing the document by creating a file named ~/.gemrc, with the content is:
gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc
And then i tried again, another problem happened.
Problem 3
hailin@hailin-VirtualBox:~/win7/MyProjects $sudo gem install jekyll
Successfully installed jekyll-1.0.3
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation forjekyll-1.0.3...
ERROR: While executing gem ... (NoMethodError)
undefinedmethod `map' for Gem::Specification:Class
It seems the definition for method ‘map’ cannot be found.
As jekyll is installed with sudo, the file is installed in the directory /var/lib/gems/1.8, but this directory is not on the PATH env by default.
hailin@hailin-VirtualBox:~/win7/MyProjects$ls /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/jekyll-1.0.3/
bin cucumber.yml features Gemfile History.markdown jekyll.gemspec lib LICENSE Rakefile README.textile script site test
So, i add this directory to the env PATH. (add the following line in /etc/profile).
export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin #Add RVM to PATH for scripting
At last, the jekyll works!
Create a blog
create a site by Jekyll new myblog. It will generate default files/folders,mainly includes
_config.yml : jekyll main configuration
_layouts : layout template
_post : blog post directory
you can start the website by Jekyll serve, and then visit the page on
In order to make the blog working on github, the command should be jekyll new
hailin@hailin-VirtualBox:~/win7/MyProjects$jekyll new
New jekyll site installed in/home/hailin/win7/MyProjects/
Create a project named on github, and commit the above folder. After that, you will able to see it on github on
Add new blog post
The blog post are put in the directory “_post”, the filename should be You can edit the md(MarkDown) file by any text editor. I propose MarkDownPad.
In the front end of each blog post, there are some meta data, which is called yaml header. The are enclosed by two lines of “—”, which means a beginning and ending of the meta data. Between then, you can set one meta data in each line.
For more configuration of jekyll, you can visit
ps: If you want to have you website better looking, but lazy to do it yourself(like me). you can fork others projects directly, like the jekyllbootstrap project
Hailin Zeng 10 July 2013 blog comments powered by Disqus