The root of the call hierarchy of Argo is ArgoFilter. What is a Filter?
Filter is usually used as a small segment of functionality that appeared before or after the main functions in web application. For example, a filter to check if user has access right to a certain URL.
A Filter guide:
Filter must implements the javax.servlet.Filter interface. And override the method doFilter to do the filtering.
An example from the guide: A filer to display request params in url.
public class MyFilter implements Filter {
FilterConfig filterConfig = null ;
public void init ( FilterConfig filterConfig ) throws ServletException {
this . filterConfig = filterConfig ;
public void doFilter ( ServletRequest servletRequest , ServletResponse servletResponse , FilterChain filterChain )
throws IOException , ServletException {
servletResponse . setContentType ( "text/html" );
PrintWriter out = servletResponse . getWriter ();
out . println ( "my-param (InitParameter): " + filterConfig . getInitParameter ( "my-param" ));
out . println ( "<br/><br/>Parameters:<br/>" );
Enumeration < String > parameterNames = servletRequest . getParameterNames ();
if ( parameterNames . hasMoreElements ()) {
while ( parameterNames . hasMoreElements ()) {
String name = parameterNames . nextElement ();
String value = servletRequest . getParameter ( name );
out . println ( "name:" + name + ", value: " + value + "<br/>" );
} else {
out . println ( "---None---<br/>" );
out . println ( "<br/>Start Regular Content:<br/><hr/>" );
filterChain . doFilter ( servletRequest , servletResponse );
out . println ( "<br/><hr/>End Regular Content:<br/>" );
It displays an extra params in the front of the regular content.
Filter Configuration
A Filter can be configured
in web.xml
by @WebFilter annotation
For example, you can configure Argo in web.xml
<filter-name> mvcfilter</filter-name>
<filter-class> com.bj58.argo.servlet.ArgoFilter</filter-class>
@WebFilter examples
@WebFilter (
urlPatterns = { "/*" },
attribute2 = value2 ,
public class TheFilter implements javax . servlet . Filter {
// implements Filter's methods
The urlPatterns is a must attribute in @WebFilter. And the class annotated by @WebFilter must implements the javax.servlet.Filter interface.
Filter in Argo
* Schedule by a Filter
@WebFilter ( urlPatterns = { "/*" },
dispatcherTypes = { DispatcherType . REQUEST },
initParams = { @WebInitParam ( name = "encoding" , value = "UTF-8" )}
public class ArgoFilter implements Filter {
private ArgoDispatcher dispatcher ;
public void init ( FilterConfig filterConfig ) throws ServletException {
ServletContext servletContext = filterConfig . getServletContext ();
try {
dispatcher = ArgoDispatcherFactory . create ( servletContext );
dispatcher . init ();
} catch ( Exception e ) {
servletContext . log ( "failed to argo initialize, system exit!!!" , e );
System . exit ( 1 );
public void doFilter ( ServletRequest request , ServletResponse response , FilterChain chain ) throws IOException , ServletException {
HttpServletRequest httpReq = ( HttpServletRequest ) request ;
HttpServletResponse httpResp = ( HttpServletResponse ) response ;
dispatcher . service ( httpReq , httpResp );
public void destroy () {
dispatcher . destroy ();
@WebFilter(urlPatterns = {“/ ”}* means ArgoFilter filtering on any the request URLS.
In init(), a ArgoDispatcher instance is instantiated,and all the request is route to the dispatcher.
Hailin Zeng
27 May 2013
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