Split Log Every 10 Minute

We have a system which logs all http request, including timestamp, client ip, server ip, http status and url.

We have three machine collecting these logs, and deployed a job on storm to merge them all and do completely analysis.

machine A logs \
machine B logs -> flume -> kafaka -> storm
machine C logs /

As storm is rarely used in our company, they had not provide a user friendly web interface to submit the storm job. So, i write a script do a simple analyze.

The log file are rotate every hour, and size 1G ~ 2G.

$ls -l -h
-rw-rw-r--+ 1 root root 1006M Jun 20 10:30
-rw-rw-r--+ 1 root root 1.4G Jun 20 08:59 monitor.log.20140620-08
-rw-rw-r--+ 1 root root 1.9G Jun 20 09:59 monitor.log.20140620-09

I want to count the http status every 10 minutes, and send me a report if there are too much http 404 error.

http status in last ten minutes:

 103607 304
  53745 410
  50281 404
  36587 302
  22131 301
   6299 201
    426 502
    341 202
    300 504
    175 400
    148 401
    125 405
     69 100
     53 403
     39 206
     37 500
      1 503

Top ten 404 urls:

   1005 url1
    877 url2
    546 url3
    496 url4
    352 url5
    305 url6
    243 url7
    226 url8
    222 url9
    186 url10

The script:


# Author : hailinzeng
# Usage : add in crontab */10 * * * * /opt/monitor/report-404.sh >> /opt/monitor/report-404.log 2>&1

time_10min_ago=`date --date "-10min" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"`
filename_from_time=`echo $time_10min_ago |sed "s/ /./g" |sed "s/:/-/g"`



#reset filename if rotate
minute_countby_10=`echo $time_10min_ago |cut -c15-15`

if [[ $minute = "0" ]]; then
    filename=`echo $time_10min_ago |cut -c1-13 |sed "s/-//g" |sed "s/ /-/g"`

echo "$time_10min_ago"

#wait write log finish, and rotate finish
sleep 10

#logs which time lay between [x, x+10)
time_10min_ago_wo_rmb=`echo $time_10min_ago |cut -c1-15`

grep "^$time_10min_ago_wo_rmb" $inputfile |grep -v "\"Status\":200" > $periodlog

#count http state
echo -e "\nhttp status in last ten minutes:\n" > $outputlog

cat $periodlog |sh $root/timecode.sh |cut -c15-16,24- |awk '{print $2}' |sort |uniq -c |sort -k1 -nr >> $outputlog

count404=`grep -P "\d+ 404" $outputlog |awk '{print $1}'`

if [[ "$count404" -gt "50000" ]]; then
    #list top 404 url
    echo -e "\nTop ten 404 url:\n" >> $outputlog

    cat $periodlog |grep "\"Status\":404" |sh $root/url.sh |sh $root/urldecode.sh |sh $root/urlnoparm.sh |sort |uniq -c |sort -nr -k 1 |head -10 >> $outputlog

    #send mail
    #cat $outputlog |/usr/bin/mutt -s "HTTP 404" xxx

rm -rf $outputlog
Hailin Zeng 20 June 2014
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